Monday, May 2, 2011

April Showers & A New Concept

As I think about growing up and hearing that April showers bring the May flowers, I remember waiting for the flowers to bloom.  It meant I could be outside longer in the evenings, go without a coat, and play with the kids in the neighborhood.  Now, I am looking out on the "April rain" and overcast skies wishing for sunshine to brighten our day and lift our spirits.  

"Hooked on Words"
When we need to remain inside we think and dream about so many things.  What I seem to do is dream about creating jewelry that is unique and women want to wear.  So, my pondering lead us to what we are calling "bazangles."  Bazangles is our name for our new line of hand-created jewelry. 

"Old Ivory" Pin
Of course if it is creative I wonder how to make it into jewelry.  Thus, the idea to create limited additions and one-of-a-kind small pieces of wearable art.  As you may know Beads in a Box and SFE Jewelry are discretionary programs for Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska.  A non-profit community based agency helping people and changing lives.  Check us out at  

Most of what we have created thus far is OOAK pins.  Kyla, Megan (my granddaughter), Karen (my SIL) and myself have enjoyed designing.  We continue to develop our individual styles as we practice and learn.  We plan to share with small businesses, museum gift and specialty stores to see if they be interested in our new jewelry concept.   

We will share more as we move along.  Thank you for your support and interest.

Until later ~
