Saturday, November 6, 2010

Keep On Keepin' On

It's' me, Kyla. Been a long while since I blogged. I just finally read Karen's last blog. I'm humbled. She's got it right, this is about all our bodies can handle and then we get up and do it again. We really couldn't do this if we weren't driven by our mission. If we didn't believe in what we were doing, why in the world would we be doing this?  I'm writing from our hotel room in North Platte after a mediocre day of sales at the Cowboy Christmas. I was able to walk around and make a lot of contacts for our own craft show next weekend in Kearney called the Holiday Splendor Craft Show and Mid's Product Premiere Tradeshow. This is the first time we've done an out-of-town show the weekend before our own show. Don't know if it was a smart decision or not. Last night Karen, Linda, and I put in a hard night of coughing. I pray with God's help and a whole lot of drive, that I'll be clicking on all cylinders next weekend. Two days on concrete takes it out of you.

Thank God all this isn't up to one person. I'm blessed to have so many stars on my team. While we are on the road, Janice is keeping the office fires burning answering the craft show phone, working on our websites and facebook accounts, taking orders for Beads in a Box and of course, always finding something that needs fixed or organized. I have no worries when she's there. It will be taken care of. Thanks Janice!

We have several who volunteer regularly for us. Putting in the most hours lately is Linda. She's up and at it every morning making a difference in the bead room. I don't need to watch over her and tell her step by step what needs done. She can see it! Thank God. There is enough work here to keep four more Lindas going. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by it all, she keeps her head down and keeps on trucking! Thanks Linda for your great sense of humor when we are traveling. You are such a joy to have along.

Mary is gearing up to be in charge of our "sales table" at our craft show next weekend. She comes out after work on Friday to set up "her" table the way she wants it. If you watch her, she won't leave her table all day with the goal to sell as much as she can. She does it with such a quiet spirit and when you thank her, she gets teary-eyed. She so believes in what we are trying to do that she marvels in our progress.

The weather has been so beautiful this fall. On the downside of that is it's been so dry. The air needs cleaned out causing so many to have colds and the such. We've been passing one around in the office. It is my prayer that we'll all have enough energy to make it thru the next several weeks. The weekend after our craft show, Karen, Linda and I travel to Lincoln for a three day show for the Nebraska Music Educators Assoc. Conference. We also have the Governor's conference in Kearney while we're gone in which our volunteers will cover.  During the first week in December we have three shows.

The show I'm really looking forward to is the Kearney Women's Club Christmas Open House on December 3rd from 3:00-7:00. We have a huge invitation list and I can't wait to meet some of these ladies. The public is welcome and what a great opportunity to see this wonderful house.  This is a fundraiser for them to use towards renovations.

Well, its official. Karen and Linda's wish came true....I lost my voice.  HA! HA!  Good thing I can still type!!! Good night all. Tootles for now, Kyla

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still Growing, Planning, Believing

It has been awhile since I've blogged.  Life gets in the way of the things we care deeply about and want to ensure continues to move down the path we've established.  This year has been a difficult one for many of those who care about and expend energy keeping our dream alive.  The dream of creating a jewelry business that includes one-of-a-kind heirloom quality pieces and carefully selected fashion jewelry.  We continue to move towards our dream as it evolves and changes to meet today's realities. 

We are blessed with a full-time very special volunteer, Linda.  She comes to work everyday to organize, mark in new inventory, and attend sales events.  Linda helps wherever she can to help us continue our dream/vision.  Volunteers make the difference and we plan to establish an advisory team to help move our business forward.  We will bring together a few women to share our vision/dream and ask for their ideas and suggestions to expand and grow our business.  Our ultimate goal is to support staff for our business and donate profits to Community  Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska.

Linda was part of our small group as we discussed how to open the market for hand-designed and hand-crafted jewelry.  Our vision is to become part of a large wholesale market selling to boutiques, museums, and gift stores.  This would allow us to hire women working more than one job to support their families.  They could create the jewelry at home to fill our orders.  This would allow them to be at home in the evenings with their families.  This is the dream that keeps us moving forward when our bodies are worn and tired after standing for long hours sharing our story and selling our jewelry.  When at the end of the day long event we drive through a fast food joint; take our meal to the hotel, get on our pj's and eat sitting on our beds.  Then we crawl into bed, shut off the light, sleep fast before we get up and start all over again.  We do this because we believe in our dream.  It is above and beyond our daily lives of work, family, and friends.   

We are blessed to have these few women who believe and care about our dream.  More later, Karen