Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Making things easier!?!?

Aren't growing pains wonderful?  
In addition to expanding our physical space and attending new venues - we are altering our sites to make it easier to reach us, easier to shop and to better explain what drives us to do what we do.

Yes, we LOVE jewelry!    But behind it all is our is our goal to fight poverty.
Join us - visit our sites and tell us what you think.  Remember us when you have that special occasion or holiday coming up.

Let us know - did we make it easy to see our stunning jewelry & purses?  Did you get around our sites and find things you like?  If not, what would you like to see?  We love to stay current and would love to hear from you.

www.BeadsinaBox.com for our Hand Designed line of jewelry
www.SFEJewelry.com for our Hand Selected line of jewelry
www.mnca.net to visit our organizations site

See you soon!       Janice

Monday, June 14, 2010

Exhausted - But Happy!

In keeping with "No Time To Blog", we have just been through a busy but fulfilling time - we were very happy to participate June 5th in the event Give Cancer The Boot.  This event raises money for cancer research and funds raised stay in Nebraska - most goes to the Eppley Cancer Center in Omaha, but a nice percentage will go to the many cancer centers across our state.  Kyla, her daughter Sadie and her husband Tim, Julie, myself and my husband Marvin all helped that day to make our part of this effort a success.
This last week we participated in the Home and Ranch show here in Kearney.  It was a well planned and executed event and we met many wonderful people.
We also attended the NCE Conference held at the Holiday Inn here in Kearney.  We made a lot of women very happy with our wonderful jewelry :-)  They were a great group of people and I know many of them we interested in our mission to raise funds for our many programs here at Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska.
We have a brief lull - but then many more events planned.
Keep checking our web site for new items and our blog for more updates.

See you soon!    Janice

Remembering Those Who Serve & Other Stuff

Today is Memorial Day!  We have two Navy men in the household; one who served 30+ years including Vietnam and Desert Storm.  Also, my husband who served in the the 60's on a submarine called the SSA 420 Triante.  It brings to mind all those who served our Country and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  Plus, those men and women serving today around the World.  We enjoy our freedom because of them.  As Americans we need to remember and honor these men and women who leave their families and friends to protect our way of life.  Please say a prayer for them today and everyday.  

We have been busy attending several events to showcase our jewelry and now we have added purses.  Our purses were a big hit at the Region VII Head Start conference in Kansas City.  As a woman who carries one purse until it looks old and tired I learned that many women LOVE purses.  It is interesting to see what the ladies pick out and why.  Purses like jewelry feed our spirit and make us feel great!  Finding just the right one to go with a specific outfit is like a treasure hunt; it is something to enjoy and celebrate when you have it on your shoulder. 

Kyla and Janice are busy handling the "Cattleman's Ball General Store."  They have their vendors and are finishing the logistics for the huge event June 5th.  The Ball had 4,000 tickets to sell and they are all gone!  It will be a fun-filled day with many folks enjoying all the activities.  We are trying to get several new sets done for this event. 
More later, Karen